Pharmaqo Labs GW 501516 – 60caps x 20mg


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GW 501516, which is also known by the common name of Cardarine. This compound is known to activate PPAR-delta pathway which helps in increasing the metabolic rate to burn more fat. PPAR stands for Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor. Cardarine is PPAR agonist, which means it activates the receptor for normal functioning. It is gaining population in the fitness industry because of the health benefits it provides. Athletes buy GW 501516 online, to reach their fitness goals. 

Benefits of using GW 501516

It offers plenty of health benefits especially to athletes and bodybuilders that’s why they try to find GW 501516 on sale to get these benefits. Few of them are:

  • It increases the strength of the user which enhances endurance.
  • It helps in promoting fat loss and burning more calories to help you reach your ideal weight.
  • Helps in oxygenation and utilization of oxygen in the body. This makes it easier to do a high intensity workout.
  • If you are using GW 501516, you will experience fast recovery and less soreness in muscle after high intensity workout.
  • During the cutting phase, when you are taking limited calories it prevents your muscle from getting loose and maintains your lean muscle mass.
  • Some studies have also shown that it reduces the bad cholesterol level of the body, which makes your heart health better.
  • Helps in better composition of muscle fiber, which gives you leaner muscle mass.

Side effects of misusing GW 501516

Although GW 501516 is considered as a part of the SARM family, that’s not true. Technically it’s not a SARM. It provides health benefits to athletes and fitness trainers but if you go overboard with it, you can face serious problems. Some of the side effects with the usage of it which you might can face are:

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Headache
  • Change in normal lipid level
  • Muscle stiffness 
  • Fatigue and muscle pain

If you want to avoid these side effects you should:

  • Always start taking any compound in low dosage, to see its effect on your body.
  • Increase your intake of water, it prevents you from headache and fatigue.
  • After completion of one cycle take a break, give your body some time to recover from the effects of the steroid and then start taking it again.
  • Incorporate PCT in your routine.
  • Have a healthy lifestyle with proper workout and sleep routine along with a balanced and nutritional diet.
  • Keep a check and balance on how your body responds to certain compounds and never ignore any serious complications.

Where to Buy original GW 501516 online?

If you want to buy GW 501516 in the UK, you are at the right place. Steroid UK is selling out these steroids along with 100 other types of oral and injectable steroids. Steroid UK is the safest option to buy online because we are offering safe and quick shipping of authentic products. For further queries you can directly call us!