Pharmaqo Labs Ment 50


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MENT 50, also commonly known as Trestolone Acetate is a modified form of Nandrolone hormone. It is modified by adding a methyl and acetate group, which enhances its overall anabolic effect. This change makes it resistant to the enzyme 5 reductase whose function is to break it down. All these modifications reduce the risk of androgenic side effects, that’s why it is quite famous in the athletes and fitness industry. The main benefits that athletes get from finding  MENT 50 on sale in the UK, includes fast fat burning along with muscle growth properties.

Earlier Trestolone Acetate was discovered to treat people having hypogonadism, osteoporosis and muscle wasting disease. But later it got famous in body builders because of other benefits it provides.

What benefits are you getting by use of Trestolone acetate?

It is getting famous among fitness freaks because of the benefits it provides. Few of them are:

Anabolic properties 

It is a type of powerful anabolic steroid, meaning it enhances physical performance and helps you gain more muscle mass. Due to its strong anabolic properties, it helps in synthesis of muscle protein which is helpful in building muscle fiber. Hence leading to formation of more lean muscle mass.

Fasten up the speed of recovery 

It helps with speeding up the recovery after an intense session of workout.

Increased nitrogen retention 

Trestolone Acetate has the ability to increase the nitrogen retention in muscle. By doing this, it helps the muscle to grow. It is considered very helpful in increasing strength and building more power during the intense workout.

Mild in nature and provide benefits in bulking 

It has low side effects like gynecomastia because it doesn’t have much of an estrogenic effect. Considered as a wet compound and is an ideal compound for bulking and helps in gaining muscle.

Better sex drive

It improves the sex drive because testosterone is boosted while taking it.

Dosage recommendation for effective results

Although bodybuilders, buy MENT 50 in the UK because of the benefits it provides. But it is never advised to take steroids without consulting a professional. You should always follow a certain amount of dosage when consuming any steroid. Recommended dosage is:

  • As a beginner, it is recommended to take dosage of 10 to 50 mg daily and complete the same cycle for six weeks.
  • If you are an Advanced user, you can increase dosage up to 100 mg per day depending on your tolerance and fitness level.

Always increase the dosage gradually, because it may lead to organ damage if you increase it instantly.

Side effects in case of misuse

Everything that has benefits, has their own set of side effects as well. If you don’t use the Trestolone Acetate in the correct way. You might can face:

  • Hair loss and baldness 
  • Oily skin and acne
  • Change in Libido production 
  • Mood swings and aggressiveness 
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Effect on sperm production 
  • Decrease in the size of testicles
  • Reduced sexual activity due to low estrogen level.

Post Cycle Therapy after completing one cycle

Post cycle therapy is used to minimize the side effects of steroids. Once you have completed one cycle of taking MENT, it’s important to complete the PCT cycle to withdraw the negative impacts. These things should be followed when you are off cycle and in PCT:

  • Eat healthy food and increase your water intake.
  • Proper sleep of at least 8 to 10 hours
  • Diet should be in caloric surplus with all the nutrients.
  • Workout routine should be followed so that you maintain your strength.

Where to buy Pharmaqo Labs Trestolone Acetate MENT 50 online?

Athletes are very interested to buy Trestolone Acetate online in the UK because of the benefits it gives. But to get all the required results, steroids should be authentic and original. There are many fake sellers these days in the market. But don’t worry! At Steroid UK, we offer all the authentic and original steroids to our customers on their doorstep. We are offering plenty of Injectable and Oral steroids that can help you in reaching your fitness goals. Check us out today to get your original products at your doorstep. Reach us out in case of any query.